Art of WhereArt of Where
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Connecting products

How to connect products already on Shopify to products on Art of Where. Many of the Artists we work with already have Shopify stores. This is great! We have made an easy way to connect existing products on Shopify to the product you would like Art of Where to produce and ship for you. Here’s how:

  1. Login to your Art of Where account and make sure you have set up the integration between Shopify and AOW (see steps above).
  2. When you click on Products on the left side menu of the AOW dashboard, the products displayed are all the products in your Shopify store, including products that are NOT fulfilled by Art of Where. All products that have not been synced already (sent from AOW to Shopify) will show as Unsynced since they are NOT connected to AOW products. Below, you can see that the cactus necklace and leaf pillow are NOT SYNCED.

    The necklaces will not be fulfilled by Art of Where so we simply ignore them, but let’s say you have been making the pillows yourself and now want Art of Where to make them instead. Sync the product by clicking on the pink circle with the sync arrows:

    You will see the sync window popup. Click on Choose Product to choose the AOW product that matches your Shopify product (make sure you created the product on the AOW end so we have your print file for the product!).

    Find the product that matches in the drop down menu.

    Confirm your selection and options

    Voila! We’ll confirm the sync was successful. You’ll now see the product as Synced in your products section.

    How to send products from Art of Where to Shopify

    Now you have some products ready to go, let’s get them to your Shopify store. Go to the Products section of the AOW dashboard. In the bottom right corner there is a Blue Plus button to Sync a product to Shopify. Click on it and it will give you the option to send a single product, or a collection. Find out more about creating collections on AOW and you will be able to sync multiple products to Shopify at once. Choose the product you want to send from the pop-up drop down menu.

    We’ll confirm it worked! Reload the page.

    The advantage of sending products from Art of Where to Shopify is we not only send the images, we also send the written description, pricing, and all information required for the product to display on your store. Once the product is sent to Shopify, you can edit the information and pricing on the Shopify side.