Syncing Products
In your AOW integration dashboard settings, you will notice “Import Orders with Unsynced Items” This option is selected by default when you have connected Squarespace. This is because products listed in your Squarespace store will not show in your AOW integration dashboard until they have been ordered.
The first order of any product variant must be handled manually. You will need to select the correct product variant in AOW and then pay for the order.
When you receive an order, you will be sent an email notification from Art of Where. If the order is for a product that hasn’t been synced yet, login to your AOW account and go to your integration dashboard. Select orders.
On the orders page, select the order you want to see.
You’ll see the details for the order, and you’ll notice the product details and price are missing. Select choose product.
Verify your Squarespace order to see what product variant your customer purchased, and select that variant from the options. By default, you will see the option to “Sync this Art of Where product & its corresponding options with this Squarespace variant” is selected. This ensures the product variant will be synced in your AOW dashboard, and future orders can be handled automatically. If you do not want to have that product variant saved, uncheck the box.
Once you’ve chosen the product and corresponding options, proceed with payment for the order.
Go back to products, and you will see the product image, with “synced” written in green. Now when an order comes in for this product variant, you will not have to verify the order & choose the product variant manually. It will come through automatically, and you can have the order processed automatically if you so choose (see settings on the left side menu of your dashboard).
Products from Other Manufacturers
You may have products that you make yourself or that another manufacturer makes for you. When you have an order for for one of these items, you will also see them in your AOW dashboard. You can ignore them. Make sure not to sync them to an AOW product, as we wouldn’t want your customer who is expecting a necklace to be disappointed when leggings arrive instead!